This Post Will Be Mostly Meaningless to Everyone But Me

In the midst of an overly busy week (work, freelance assignments) was able to (mostly) check off three action items for my as-of-yet-unnamed-writing project:

I identified women I want to interview for my profiles and reached out to some of them. 
I also created a spreadsheet with their contact info, so I'm putting the pieces together.
I found three IG accounts to follow for photographic inspiration, as I want my project to include and be promoted through a photojournalistic perspective.

I also did go to yoga on the weekend, and I made 8 hours of sleep a priority. But I'm pretty squeezed this week . . . having to really fight for any alone time or downtime. Same old story that has held me back for so long.

So, this week, I really have to/want to make self-care the top priority because it's at risk of falling to the wayside. Without that foundation, everything else will suffer; history has shown that. 

With that in mind, my three items this week will be to:

1. Get at least seven or more hours of sleep each night.
2. Drink two litres of water a day.
3. Get at least 30 minutes of walking per day, even if only in two or three chunks that add up.
Bonus items: yoga—either at home in the mornings or evenings, 15 minutes each time, and on Saturday and Sunday at Hemma. 

Oh, I have an acupuncture appointment on Saturday and a chiro appointment tomorrow, so there's that. 

And I bought the audiobook of Atomic Habits so I will be listening to that!

Oh, and I plan to finish my vision board this weekend—eant to do it for and before Imbolc/lunar new year.

Again, this means nothing to anyone but me. Carry on.


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