There's Power in The Blood

Today, I went and did it, something I have been afraid of: Giving blood.

There was a blood drive in my office building again today, and without thinking about it too much, I made an appointment and went in. The volunteers and staff were incredibly affirming and welcoming, and I got a shiny new donor pin!

Aw, look at it there, all shiny on my lapel!

Warren, who was working at Chapters a few blocks away, came over to meet me. Because he is The Man he held my hand while they drained me of my lifeblood, and he was extravagantly attentive and supportive throughout.

We had lunch after and each went our separate ways for the rest of the afternoon. I'm really looking forward to being home with him in a few hours.I feel only the slightest bit woozy, and just a little bit proud of myself.

And I feel very smug about my precious blood type - being O negative and all. ;-)

Special Renée is Special - in more ways than one.

It was also nice to know that my iron levels and blood pressure are decent.

It feels good to identify a fear that follows in the shadows, to stop and turn on the light and dismiss it. That is something worth doing whenever possible.I shall give blood again.

Apparently each donation saves 4 lives. Good karma. :-)


annie said…
hey, guess what, Im an o neg as well.
looking forward to your updated blog.
Hugo Rebelo said…
hi. i must say that i liked so much your courage to write something so real, so yours. i'll be back. see you.


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