Labour Day
I've big plans for labouring around the house today. I've been terribly negligent about housekeeping this summer. Warren's new freelance status and Daniel's return to school is inspiring that autumnal nesting instinct, however.
Still working through Writing the Natural Way, but finding it a bit strenuous (in a positive way).
I'm still going with my Haiku a day for September:
04 Sept 11
Dredged-up sediment
In my mind's deeper waters
Ruined a good night's sleep.
05 Sept 11
French toast and coffee
Being made by my husband
Brightens the morning.
Still working through Writing the Natural Way, but finding it a bit strenuous (in a positive way).
I'm still going with my Haiku a day for September:
04 Sept 11
Dredged-up sediment
In my mind's deeper waters
Ruined a good night's sleep.
05 Sept 11
French toast and coffee
Being made by my husband
Brightens the morning.