
Obligatory blog entry. Since my last post, I secured a position with a local magazine that was, well, a mutually poor fit. It afforded me some local credibility and publishing experience and a segueway into a much more suitable position in the self-publishing industry. Warren, too, found a job as a writer/editor/researcher with an SEO company and is getting some valuable training. Between the two of us, we're building some marketable skills that are going to be the vehicle for becoming self-employed (ideally), which is something we've been talking about for a few years. Yes, we are so sickeningly into one another that we can't stand being apart for ten hours a day. 4.5 years of being together and we still exchange easily 20 emails a day.

Anyways, since my last post (as I said earlier), we've found work and moved into a new abode, a nice, solid little house with a huge deck and backyard near the water. Daniel has moved in with us, and Leah has relocated to Alberta with her dad, who's working in the oilpatch. I'm getting to know lots of people in Victoria and finding that it's a pretty welcoming community. My office is in the Antique Row district downtown, and is a mere 20 minutes on the bus from my place to the front door.

All in all, life is more settled, but it's taking me awhile to adjust to it physically, spiritually and mentally. It's happening bit by bit, though.

More soon!


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