
Showing posts from September, 2011

Simple Pleasure

19 Sept 11 A fresh cake of soap In a newly-scrubbed shower On Monday morning.

08 Sept 11

The Earth is drowsy And the sun's light has shifted To Fall's wistful slant.

07 Sept 11

Tears in the morning Makes for an exhausting day, But this too shall pass.

Labour Day

I've big plans for labouring around the house today. I've been terribly negligent about housekeeping this summer. Warren's new freelance status and Daniel's return to school is inspiring that autumnal nesting instinct, however. Still working through Writing the Natural Way , but finding it a bit strenuous (in a positive way). I'm still going with my Haiku a day for September: 04 Sept 11 Dredged-up sediment In my mind's deeper waters Ruined a good night's sleep. 05 Sept 11 French toast and coffee Being made by my husband Brightens the morning.

September Haiki

Seems I've begun a new habit without consciously meaning to: 01Sept11 First of September  and there's a hint of color blushing in the leaves 02Sept11 In one squished accord Claustrophobic commuters Endure one more day. 03Sept11 Spider's silken web Placed softly on pine needles Gleams with morning's light.